AHFKI Regional Drought Resilience Plan for consultation
The draft Adelaide Hills Fleurieu Kangaroo Island Regional Drought Resilience Plan is now open for feedback.
The draft plan will provide the framework to guide future effort and investment to support regional communities, industries and environments.
Click below for a copy of the draft plan and complete the survey link to have your say.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, please contact
Stephanie Wurst - 0448 887 890
Lyn Dohle - 0419 846 204
Brett Mayne (RDA Project Manager) - 0481 369 954

This Plan has been prepared as a framework or prospectus to guide future effort and investment in
regional drought resilience. Its preparation has been led by the Adelaide Hills, Fleurieu and
Kangaroo Island (AHFKI) Regional Drought Resilience Steering Committee and informed by the
ideas and experiences of stakeholders from across the region.
This Plan was informed by information collated through the following tasks:
• Literature review.
• Regional in-person engagement with 55 people across the AHFKI region.
• Key informant interview with 12 local subject matter experts
• Key informant interviews with drought resilience planners from other regions
• Regular Steering Committee meetings.
This Plan contains a summary of the information gathered from these tasks. Further detail and
findings from all tasks are described in the Background Paper (included as an attachment to this
The regional engagement helped the project team to understand:
• How has/does drought impact the AHFKI region?
• What makes individuals, communities, and regions resilient to drought?
• How can the resilience of the AHFKI region to drought be maintained and enhanced?